Our Rugs:

We sell only fine quality authentic handmade Persian Oriental rugs; we do not sell machine-made or hand tufted commercial pieces. Every rug in our inventory has been carefully collected even custom ordered. Each rug is unique and has its own history, each is a piece of art.

Shipping: we ship within one or two business day by UPS ground, for faster delivery please call us at 831-647-9965


New Rugs are subject to full refund if returned in Seven (7) days of delivery; or, if returned after seven (7) days, but before thirty (30) days of sale, the customer may receive store credit for the purchase of a substitute rug. However, the returned new rug must be in its original unused condition.

Damaged rugs are not returnable for cash or store credit, unless the rug is damaged in transit and damage is reported at the time of delivery.

All antique and used rugs are not subject to cash refunds and are sold strictly on an “AS IS” basis with only exceptions being for rugs damaged or lost in transit. These rugs may be returned within thirty (30) days of sale for store credit to purchase a substitute rug.

Note: Some antique rugs have some minor color change (abrash), previous repair, non-parallel borders, weakened materials, worn borders, and diverse patterns, all of which make each rug unique.     

Please Note: almost all old and antique rugs are associated with some minor color change (abrash), previous repair, curvy shapes, possible weak materials, missing line on the borders, diverse pattern which in a way add to the beauty of these rugs.

for more information please call us at 831-647-9965